Cohen's Kappa interrater reliability calculator
Alternating allocation to survey URLs
Student Generated Summative Quizzes
Creating lecture transcripts using YouTube captions
Qualtrics Primer | Qualtrics variables and randomisation
Simple difference tests One-way ANOVA Independent two-way ANOVA Mixed two-way ANOVA Interpreting Q-Q Plots Opening Qualtrics Data Files Reliability Analysis Principal Components Analysis Exploratory Factor Analysis Multiple Regression (includes hierarchical, interactions, and binary logistic)
PsychoPy Primer
PsychoPy Python to Javascript crib sheet 2020
PsychoPy Python to Javascript crib sheet 2021
Form to HTML for Pavlovia (convert PsychoPy form csv files to HTML files suitable for embedding).
Participant IDs for Pavlovia
VESPR Study Portal (host PI and debrief information plus random allocation to groups).
Affect Grid (code) Brookes Template 2020 (code) Emotional StroopInteractive Fiction Lexical Decision Task Music Box (code) Reaction Time (code) SART - Sustained Attention to Response Test (code) Screen Scale (code) Social Distance (code) Stroop for mobile
Statistical Symbols Explained (Google Sheet)
Psychology Dissertations Database
SPSS Step-by-step guideOxford Brookes Psychology Students
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Davies, E.L., Morys-Carter, W.L., Paltoglou, A.E. (2015). Helping students to climb the mountain: A study to inform the development of a resource to improve the learning of statistics in psychology. Psychology Teaching Review, 21(1), 56-67.
Morys-Carter, W.L., Paltoglou, A.E., Davies, E.L. (2015). Vertical enhancement of second-year psychology research. Psychology Teaching Review, 21(1), 68-72.
Paltoglou, A.E., Morys-Carter, W.L., Davies, E.L. (2019). From anxiety to confidence: Exploring the measurement of statistics confidence and its relationship with experience, knowledge, and competence within psychology undergraduate students. Psychology Learning and Teaching doi: 10.1177/1475725718819290
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