I believe that purpose-driven, ambitious people can make a huge difference to the world, whether through setting up their own company or social enterprise, or as an intrapreneur in a big organisation. I make a difference by helping people create, select and develop ideas into real projects. I’m particularly focussed around the earlier stages of innovation and entrepreneurship, such as:
- Creating, selecting and building on ideas
- Developing a business proposition / presenting a business plan
- Market research and idea development, including design thinking and lean start-up
- Strategic plans and exit strategies
- Getting your first customers
I have a tech background, but enjoy working with start-ups and innovation teams in all sorts of industries. I’ve been working in entrepreneurship and innovation for my whole career: for large companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble Boeing and Shell; with SMEs and start-ups in Oxfordshire; and with students at the universities of Cambridge, Oxford and Oxford Brookes. I run workshops, speak at various events, and work on a consultancy basis with businesses, public sector organisations and charities.
I also hugely enjoy my roles as step-mum to two teenagers, mum of two preschoolers, wife, daughter and aunty. At home, as well as volunteer work, I enjoy walking, experimental cookery, dancing and doing random fun things…but most importantly spending time with family and friends.
Do get in touch if you would like me to help with a workshop or talk or you’d like to explore an idea 1:1 – whether that’s a business you’d like advice on or an interesting project you might need help with. You can also find me on Linkedin.