The Wakefield Ancestry and family of of Ivy Octavia Wakefield who married George Edward Lovelace Carter in 1914
Numbers are generations from Roger Wakefield (1636-1724) and Robert Barclay (1648-1690)‘The Apologist’
Bold Type are direct ancestors of Wakefield Lovelace Carter of generation 10
Known by names are underlined if they are not first name
The picture above shows the wedding of George Edward Lovelace Carter and Ivy Octavia Wakefield in 1914 at the Mussoorie Hill Station in the foothills of the Himalayas in India.
The Wakefields were Quakers for several generations with Edward Wakefield in 1771 marrying Priscilla Bell great grandaughter of the Quaker Apologist Robert Barclay and John Freame the Quaker banker. Follow the link below for her family.
-2 Roger Wakefield (1572?-16??) of Challon Hall Preston Patrick m before 1592? 1602? Isobel
-1 NicholasWakefield (1603?- 16??) m 1633?
0 Roger Wakefield of Challon Hall, Preston Patrick, Westmoreland (1636-1724)
m (21/3/1665) Hannah Preston (c1638-10/5/1732) of Farleton Westmoreland
1 Roger Wakefield (c1666-30/11/1731) of Preston Patrick Westmoreland
1 m(c1704) Mary Haig (1679- ) of Brighouse Yorkshire
12 Roger Wakefield of Stricklandgate Kendal (1705-1756) m1 1730 Margaret Willan m2 1737 Mary Wilson
123 John Wakefield (1738-1811) of Stricklandgate Quaker banker m Margaret Hod(g?)son ( -1812) of Carlisle
1234 John Wakefield (1761-1829 of Stricklandgate Quaker banker m Mary Beakbane( -1824) of Lancaster
12345Ann Wakefield (1797-1876) m1821 John Cropper (1797-1876) 3s+6d incl
123456 James Cropper MP (1823-1900) m1845 Fanny Alison Wakefield (1825-1868) 1s 1d
1234567 Charles James Cropper JP DL (1852-1924) of Tolston Hall Kendal m 1876 Hon Edith Holland 1d 2s
12345678 Eleanor Cropper (1879-1933) m 1905 Rt Hon Sir Francis Dyke Acland 14th Bt MP 3s 1d A Devon Family by Ann Acland
123456 Sarah Wakefield Cropper (1825-1890) painter The Cloisters? m Rev Arthur Willink (1822-1862) Vicar of St Paul’s Tranmere, Cheshire + 6s&1d both mentioned in Noel Annan, ‘The Intellectual Aristocracy’, in J. H. Plumb, ed., Studies in Social History: A Tribute to G. M. Trevelyan (London: Longmans, Green, 1955), 272
1234567 Rev Arthur Willink (1850-1913) Theologian author World of the Unseen m Margaret Dickson (1849-1935)
12345678 Capt Herman James Lindale Willink ( -5/11/1918WWI) m Mary Elizabeth Weston
1234567 William Edward Willink (1856-1924) Architect m Florence Macan Urmston 2s 3d incl
1234567 The Very Rev. John Wakefield WILLINK DD Dean of Norwich (24/10/1858-1927) m. 27 Jul 1887 Ruth Agnes SIM,
12345678 Arthur James Wakefield WILLINK b. 17 May 1890
12345678 Mary Cecilia Wakefield WILLINK
12345678 Henry Urmston Willink MP (1894-1973) Minister of Health, Master of Magdalene, Camb, 1st Baronet of Dingle Ban ,
123456 Margaret Cropper (1837-1930) m Rev Canon William Jones (1834-1902) 3s 3d incl
1234567 Sir Clement Wakefield Jones (1890-1963) m Enid Boscawen (1899-1980) 2s 1d inc
12345678 Maurice Llewelyn Clement Jones (1917-1988) m Margaret Jean Hudson (1919- ) 3s 2d inc
123456789 Lord Timothy Francis Clement Jones CBE(1949- ) m Jean Roberta Whiteside (1958- )
12345 Edward Wakefield (1799-1858) of Birklands Kendal m Susanna Birkbeck of Settle Yorkshire
123456 William Wakefield (1825-1892 m Marianne Wavell of Halifax Yorks
1234567 Roger William Wakefield MD (1865-1958) m Ethel Knott (1874-1960) of Staleybridge
12345678 Baron William Wavell Wakefield of Kendal MP (1898-1983)RFU Capt of England, Lord Wakers of Twickers m Rowena Lewis
12345678 Sir Edward Wakefield (1903-69) 1stBt ICS MP Author ‘Past Imperative’ m 1929 Lalage Thompson d of Sir John Thompson ICS
123456789 Imogen Wakefield (1930-1935) Killed in Quetta Earthquake 31/5/1935
123456789 Xanthe Wakefield (1932-1962)
123456789 Sir Edward Humphrey Tyrrell Wakefield (1936-) bt m1 1960 Priscilla Bagot
123456789 m2 1966 Hon. Elizabeth Sophia Sidney
1234567890 Maximilian Edward Vereker Wakefield Racing driver (1967- ) m Lucinda Piper
12345678901 William Wavell Wakefield (1998-) Edward Gort Wakefield (2000- )
123456789 m3 1974 Katherine Mary Baring (1936-
12345678 d of Sir Charles Evelyn Baring, 1st Baron Howick of Glendale & Lady Mary Cecil Grey
Sir Humphrey Wakefield & Lady Mary Grey of Chillingham Castle Northumberland which has been in the Grey family since 1246
1234567890 Mary Elizabeth Lalage Wakefield (1975- ) John Humphrey Baring Wakefield ((1977- )
123456789 Hady Wakefield (1938- )
12345678 Roger Cuthbert Wakefield (1906-1986)Climber, RFU British Lion, Explorer, Surveyor in the Sudan m1936 Elizabeth Davie
1234567 Dr Arthur W Wakefield (1876-1949) GP Cumbria, reached the North Col of Mount Everest as Dr to 1922 expedition The members were awarded Olympic Gold Alpinism Medals at the 1924 Summer Olympic. His medal was taken to the summit in 2012?
12 Edward Wakefield (26/12/1715-5/12/1765) London Merchant and banker in Dublin W1.2
Variously Wakefield, Willet & Pratt, in 1770, was Wakefield, Pratt & Miers and later the name was Wakefield and Bell.
12 m1(14/8/136)Huldah Willet(1712-1736) d of his partner, s of Susanna w of John Barclay F Barclays Bank
123 John Wakefield (1738-1738) 123 Elizabeth Wakefield (1741- )
123 Joseph Wakefield (Inherited his fathers Irish property)(1744-1821) m1 (1766) Hannah Christy (1748-1779) d of Thomas Christy of Moyallan Wealthy Quaker Ulster linen Draper and North Carolina land owner
1234 Isabella Wakefield (18/5/1768- ) m (1785) John Nicholson Quaker of County Down, they had 16 children with Alexander the third
12345 Dr Alexander Nicholson (1793- ) m (1820) Clara Hogg of Lisburn sister of Sir James Weir Hogg bt of The East India Company
123456 Mary Nicholson (1821- ) m Maxwell
123456 Brig-Gen John Nicholson (11/12/1822-23/9/1857) Soldier and Administrator, Hero of Delhi where killed in the Indian Mutiny
He was Deputy Commisioner of Peshawar in 1857 with cousin George Edward Wakefield (1831-1892) as an assistant.
123456 Alexander Nicholson (1824-3/11/1842) Killed in 1st Afghan War in Khyber Pass during second withdrawal from Kabul
123456 Lily Nicholson (1826-1862 ) m 1856 Rev John Seymour
123456 James Nicholson (1827-1840) died at 13
123456 William Nicholson (1828-1849) murdered ? in India
123456 Captain Charles Nicholson (1831 -1862 ) lost an arm in the assault on Delhi 1857, died in India 1862
1234 Edward Wakefield (1769-1819) Mary Christy Wakefield (1770-1825) Thomas Christy Wakefield (1772-1861)
1234 Hannah Wakefield (1773-1847) Hulda Wakefield (1774-1843) Elizabeth Wakefield (1776-1854)
123 m2 Anna Doyle
1234 Joseph Wakefield (1782- ) Henry Wakefield (1783- ) Susanna Wakefield (1784 – )
1234 John Wakefield (1785- ) Anne Wakefield (1786- )
12 m2 (29/10/1748) Isabella Gibbon (1724-5/3/1789)
1 d of David Gibbon of Ratcliff Middx (Distant relative of the historian Edward Gibbon)
123 Edward Wakefield (3/6/1749-1826) of Tottenham, London merchant in Gresham St
123 m(3/1/1771London) Priscilla Bell (20/9/1750-12/9/1832) authoress and botanist Priscilla Wakefield(DoNB1909)

1234 Isabella Wakefield (1772?-1841) m Joshua Head 1765-1817 Brewer Ipswich 11 children?
12345 Alfred Head (1797- )m Ellen Cooper
12345 Lucy Anne Head (1803- )m1843 Rev Vincent John Stanton(1817-1891) the first colonial chaplain of Hong Kong,1843
Kidnapped 1840 in 1st Opium War- The Opium Wars Hanes & Sanello (fictionalised in China Song By Elizabeth Lane)
1234 Edward Wakefield (29/7/1774-18/5/1854) of Bunham Hall Essex Farmer Philanthropist, author, statistician(DoNB1909)
Author An account of Ireland Statistical and Political 1812
1234 m1 (3/10/1791St Dunstan London) Susanna Crash (15/11/1767- Fb1816Slisbury) of Felstead Essex
- Bastard? daughter of Robert Crash or Crush and Mary Gallifant of Felsted Essex ?
See below for descendants of Edward Wakefield & Susanna Crash
- m2 (British Embassy ChapelParis1824) Frances Davies (prime mover in the EGWakefield-Turner abduction?)
123 d. of David Davies headmaster of Macclesfield Grammar School
12345 Fanny Wakefield (1819?- )
12345 Laura Wakefield (1821?- )m David Jones
123456 Laura Arderne 123456 David Arderne
1234 Daniel Wakefield (1776-1846) Barrister, Magistrate Deputy-Lieutenant Berkshire writer on political economy (DoNB1909)
m1 1805 Isabel Mackie ( -suicide1813) m2 Elizabeth Kilgour
123 Isabella Wakefield (1752-17/11/1769) m10/4/1769 Silvanus Bevan (1743-1830) prtnr Barclays, gson of David Barclay(1682- 1723)
Descendants of Edward Wakefield (1774-1854) & Susanna Crash W1.3
12345 Catherine Gurney Wakefield (1793-1873)m Rev Charles Martin Torlesse (Vicar of Stoke Nayland Suffolk) 2s7d
123456 Charles Torelesse (1825-1866) emigrated NZ 1841 surveyor ‘Torelesse Range in NZ’m Alicia Townsend 1s2d
123456 Rev Henry Torlesse emigrated NZ, Curate of Governor’s Bay and Little River m Elizabeth Henrietta Revell
12345 Edward Gibbon Wakefield ‘The Coloniser’ author ‘A letter from Sidney’ emig NZ (1796-1862) (DoNB1909)
12345 m1 Eliza Pattle (1799-1820) (GreatAunt of Sir James Brooke of Sarawak)
123456 Susan Priscilla (Nina)Wakefield (1817-12/2/1835) born Piedmont Italy died Lisbon Portugal
123456 Edward Jerningham Wakefield (1820-1879) (Emigrated NZ 1839 on the Tory)(DoNB1909)m 3/10/1863 Ellen Roe (2daughters)
1234567 Ellen Nina Wakefield m C O’Connor
12345678 Irma O’Connor (authoress Edward Gibbon Wakefield p 1928)
1234567 Lillian Priscilla Wakefield
12345 m2 18/3/1826 annulled1827 Ellen Turner after abducting her from boarding school
12345 Daniel Bell Wakefield (1798-1858) (emig to NZ) m1(1824) Selina de Burgh ( -1830)
12345 m2 (1835) Angela Attwood d of Thomas Attwood(1783-1859) of the Chartist movement
123456 Charles Marcus Wakefield (1839-1902) m Annette S Collis
1234567 Angela Wakefield(1874- )Born in NZ Annette Wakefield (1876- )Born in NZ
1234567 Captain Edward Marcus Wakefield ( 1877- )m Edith Miriam Andre
12345678 Captain Edward Roger Wakefield (died 3rd June 1944 Special Service Brigade buried Belgrade War Cemetry)
12345678 Priscilla Wakefield MBE (1908-2007) m Mitchell ( Priscilla Mitchell Totnes philanthropist and founder Wakefield Trust 1994)
123456 Alice Mary Wakefield

12345 Captain Arthur Wakefield RN (1799-1843) At burning Washington 1814Killed by Maoris in the ‘Wairau massacre’(DoNB1909)
12345 Col William Hayward Wakefield (1801-1848)(Col 1st Lancers British Legion in the Carlist Wars)(Prominent in NZ) (DoNB1909)
12345 m Emily Shelly-Sidney d of Sir John of Penhurst Place half brother of poet Percy Bysshe Shelley
123456 Emily Charlotte Sidney Wakefield (1827-1857)m 1846WellingtonNZ Sir Edward Stafford premier of NZ
12345 Lt Col John Howard Wakefield (Indian Army, First cantonment magistrate Lahore)(2/6/1803-25/2/1862Islington)
12345 m(9/1/1832Bareeilly ) Maria Suffolk (July1814 Hingoree? Bushahr Himanchal Pradesh – 8/8/1852Lahore)
Maria Suffolk is Christening name she was originally Rajput Indian and ward of Kehar Singh, 53rd Rana of Kumharsain 1815-39
1234 d of Kheru-Jumnu (Hereditary Wazir of Bushahr) killed in revolt (and Jumnoo?).
See below for descendants of John Howard Wakefield & Maria Suffolk
12345 Felix Wakefield (1807-1875)Civil & military engineer Tasmania and The Crimea War(DoNB1909)
m 1831 Marie Felice Buillie of Blois France nine children including
123456 Edward Wakefield (1845-1924) Tasmanian & NZ MP m Agnes Hall d of Sir John Hall NZ politician & author
1234567 Grace Wakefield (1880-1972) m Thomas Bragg(1877-1943) Surgeon & medical missionary to China
12345678 Agnes Bragg (1907-1999) m Kenneth Buxton Surgeon & medical missionary to Africa (5th cousins See ‘Quakers’)
123456789 Angela Buxton m Simon Kendal of Cumbers Liss Hampshire

12345 Percy Wakefield (1810-1831? ) unmarried
12345 Priscilla Susannah Wakefield (1812- 1887) went to India to teach m(28/11/1836Mirzapore) Henry Chapman(1797-1854)
Assist.Surgeon EIC son of Abel Chapman (1752-1849) of Woodford & Rebecca Bell sister of Priscilla Bell (1750-1832)
Wrote as Priscilla Chapman (1839) Hindoo Female Education. London: Seeley & Burnside micropublished in History of Women series in 1975
123456 Henry Howard Chapman (25/1/1838Calcutta- 1863India )
123456 General Sir Edward Francis Chapman KCB (14/11/1840-12/5/1926) m1886 Georgiana Charlotte Clive Bayley
123456 Joseph Gurney Chapman(24/5/1842-)
123456 Emily Priscilla Rebecca Chapman (1842Calcutta- )
123456 Sir Arthur Wakefield Chapman (1849Calcutta- 1901Pose) m Agnes Mangles
123456 Reginald Corrie Chapman (23/2/1851- )
123456 Cecil Maurice Chapman JP (24/6/1852- ) m1 Adeline Mary Chapman d of David Barclay Chapman
123456 Hugh Boswell Chapman (1853- )
123456 Helen Jessie Chapman (1854Calcutta-11941) m Lt Col Hugh Leonard Acland-Troyte
Descendants of Lt Col John Howard Wakefield (1803-1862) & Maria Suffolk
123456 George Edward Wakefield(East India Company Deputy Commissioner Ludhiania, Punjab )(23/08/1831-1892)
123456 m(1)14/12/1850 Islington Eliza Bastard Carter (d 31/5/1871Jhung Punjab)
Memorial inscription, All Saints’, West Alvington, Devon widow, Charles Henry Sells(12 Oct 1817 – 1849)
12345 ygst d Nicholas Carter of Alvington Devon m1809Slapton Devon Agnes Bastard of Gerston Manor West Alvington
See Dictionary_of Landed Gentry of GB & I PtI 1862 p93Bastard
1234567 Howard Edward Wakefield (13/10/1857- )(Deputy Commissioner in the Punjab) m Frances Reeves
1234567 Maria Agnes Wakefield (1859-1882,cholera) m(1878 Bengal) Colonel John William Edward Angelo (son of General Angelo)
12345678 Violet Angelo(1879Ludhiana-1960Aldershot)
1234567 Percy John Gay Wakefield (Civil engineer in Egypt)(1863– )m
123456 m(2) 20/3/1872 Bareilly Adelaide Ruth Allsop (1854? -1927?)
12345 d of George Allsop (Catholic from Dublin) m7/10/1826Cawnpore Mary Ann Campbell (from Cork)
See below for the family of George Allsop and Mary Ann Campbell
See below for descendants of George Edward Wakefield and Adelaide Ruth Allsop
123456 Maria Priscilla Wakefield (4/12/1833-1880) m 4/12/1852Lahore
Maj-Gen George Fullerton-Carnegie Bengal Army (13/2/1826Edinburgh -1898 ) 1844 Lt 44th NI Bengal
Eldest s of George Fullerton-Carnegie, Esq, of Pittarrow m Madeline Connell
1234567 George FC (29June 1854Lahore -8Mar1884) Entry in The Peerage& Baronetage of the British Empire 1861 p532
1234567 Lucy Josephine Mary FC (1857-)
1234567 Madeline Lilla FC (5 Jan 1860 Bonn -1908) Christening: 9/3/1860 British Chaplaincy, Bonn
m1 1881 Baron Henri Denaint(- 1886) of Paris France m2 1889 Baron Marcel Denaint
1234567 Howard James FC (26/12/1861England -1900) captain 15th Lancers Prussian army
m 26/9/1896 Frankfurt Baroness Eva Von Der Goltz (1875-1950) d of F Marsh Baron Colmar V D G of Brandenburg,
1234567 Priscilla Marie Hope Connell FC 8Jan1864 Futtehghur d of Major FC SC
1234567 Edward Hugo Wakefield FC OBE (12/9/1870 Bengal Presidency India – 1955)
m 1893 Emilie Prage d of Anton Prage of Uruguay
12345678 George David Howard FC (1894- ) m Marjorie Lacey (3 children) Lt James Edward FC Black Watch (1899-27/6/1942)
123456 Lucy Catherine Wakefield (5/08/1838-1880) Born In camp, on the Cugger river, the lady of Lieut. Wakefield, 17th N.I., surveyor of that river
m4/7/1863Kensington Hugo von Radolin (Radolinski,before1888), Prince Radolin 1841-1917 of Poznan Poland
Diplomat, Agent of Bismark Private Secretary to the Kaiser Wilhelm II German Ambassador to France to 1910
m2 Princess Marie of Oppersdorff
1234567 Alfred Bernhard Johannes Howard Gurney Leszczyc, Graf von Radolin (18.4/1864Jarocin-13/2/1910Wiesbaden)
m Alexandrine Jenny Marie Elisabeth, Gräfin von Königsmarck
12345678 Wilhelm Johannes-Hugo Alfred Julius Alexander Leszczyc Fürst von Radolin (28/8/1894Berlin-25/12/1965Tegernsee)
mWeimar Eva Jenny Clara Amalie Grafin von Wedel
123456789 Princess Maria von Radolin (27 Apr 1920, Berlin – )
123456789 Princess Cecilie von Radolin (26 Feb 1922, Poznan Poland – ) Poznan/Posen is the home of the Radolins/Radolinskis
123456789 Count Wilhelm von Radolin (23 Jun 1925, Poznan Poland – )
123456789 Count Hugo von Radolin (26 Feb 1927, Poznan Poland – )
12345678 Lucy Charlotte Elisabeth Josephine Eleonore, Gräfin von Radolin (28/8/1894Berlin- )
1234567 Lucy Josephine Julie (21/6/1872-1965 )
m Karl Maria, Graf von Moy de Sons
12345678 Hugo Carl Maria, Graf von Moy de Sons (25/11/1900Wien-4/6/1938Steinhem Westfalen
12345678 Johannes Ernst Maria, Graf von Moy de Sons (12/7/1902Reichenau Wien-10/5/1995Anif
123456 Julia Maria Wakefield (17/12/1845Cawnpore-1892) m 27/12/1864 Futtehgurh Bengal as 2nd wife
Sir William Tyrrell MP Hon’bl MrJustice Tyrell, C.S, from 1887 to 1891in High Court of Judicature at Allahabad
Julia went to Germany to take charge of the Radolinski household after the death of her sister Lucy in 1880
1234567 Sir William George Tyrrell CB, KCMG, KCVO, GCMG, KCB, PC, GCB, Baron, Lord Tyrrell of Avon (1866-1947) “b India, grandson of an Indian princess, brought-up in the household of his uncle, the distinguished Prussian diplomat Prince Hugo von Radolin
ed U of Bonn and Balliol Oxford. Perm U Sec Forgn & Comm Off.1925-8, Ambassador Paris 1928-34 Chairman B Council 1934-7 etc” His chapter in The Paris Embassy by Cynthia Gladwyn has some family history. m Margaret Anne Urquhart
12345678 Hon Harriette Anne Mary Tyrrell m1(1930Paris) Sir Adrian Holman m2(1934) Capt Jack Crawshaw
first British bride to be married in Notre Dame de Paris in 372 years since Mary Queen of Scots
12345678 Hon Margaret Julia Tyrrell ( -1925) m1923 Ronald Renton
12345678 Lt Hugo William Louis Tyrrell RN (1891-31/01/1918WWI) HM SubmarineK17 rammed by HMS Fearless ex EC1 Firth Forth
12345678 2ndLt Francis Chichester Tyrrell–(1893?-16/2/1915WWI) Bethune 3rd Bn Coldstream Guards

Descendants of
George Edward Wakefield (1831-1892)
Adelaide Ruth Allsop (1853-1927)

1234567 George Edward Campbell Wakefield CIE OBE(50Yrs Service in India)(1873-1944)m Minnie Caroline Keelan (1878-1948)
12345678 Ruth Wakefield(1903-1972)mMaj-Gen Sir Millis Jefferis KCB MC RE)(1899-1963) (See Churchill WWII Vol.1,2,3&4 many ref
123456789 Maj David Jefferis RE (1928- ) m Monique Ziegler (French) & Churchill’s Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare – Milton)
123456789 Jeremy Jefferis (1932- )
123456789 John Jefferis (1934- ) m Jennifer Venus
12345678 Col Alan Wakefield of Deccan Horse m Vera Burton
123456789 Paul Alan Campbell Wakefield (of Barcelona) m1 Charmain…………….. m2 Rosie ………………….
1234567890 (1)Fiona Caroline Elizabeth Wakefield( -2006) m (1983) d 1999John Stafford Northcote, 5th Earl of Iddesleigh
12345678901 Hon Thomas Stafford Northcote Viscount St Cyres (1985- ) & Hon Elizabeth Rose Adele Northcote (1989- )
1234567890 (1)Robert, Julian, Justin, (2)Paul, Isobel
123456789 Michael Wakefield
123456789 Mark Wakefield m1 Sheila Lewis m2 Jane Ripley m3 Tina
1234567890 (1)Clare, Ian (2) Robin
123456789 Penelope Wakefield (Edmonton Canada) m Mike Slovak
1234567890 James Wakefield
123456789 Robin Wakefield (drowned)
123456789 Sarah Wakefield m Ian Fyfe
12345678 Col John Howard Wakefield (Poona Horse,19th Lancer Pakistan after 1951) Queen’s Messenger (1908- )m1 Joan Thompson
123456789 Timothy Millis Wakefield (1939- ) m Virginia Coutts-Trotter
1234567890 Robert Wakefield Primary teacher Walthamstow (1962- ) + Cathy Allen
12345678901 Rosie (1996- ) 12345678901 Lily (1998- )
1234567890 Emma Wakefield (IT Sydney Aus ) (1964- ) + Francois Pembrun from the Pyrenees
12345678901 Oliver Pembrun (2000- )
1234567890 Lucinda Wakefield librarian Sheffield Uni (1966- ) m Gordon Jelly
12345678901 Ciaran Wakefield (2000- )
1234567890 Timothy Christopher Fred Wakefield (1969- )
12345678 Major George Colin Wakefield (killed WWII 11/02/1942 3rdBn 16th Punjab Rgt listed Singapore Memorial)m Ivy Henrietta
1234567890 Anthea Wakefield m Bell
12345678 Syed Tariq Hussain son of GECW and Malka Pukhraj (1912?-2004)Singer and dancer at Court of Maharaja of Kashmir (1921?-1931?)(Song Sung True a memoir- Malka Pukrhraj pub2003)
1234567 Rachel Ada Wakefield m William Davidson (Indian Railways died young of plague)
12345678 Lt Edward Ian Davidson (Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders PoW WW1)
12345678 Andrew Davidson
1234567 Lucy Muriel May Wakefield (never married, fiancee, Charles Henry Ryall, a railways superintendent of police, snatched from his coach by lions in Kenya June 6 1900 and dragged to his death in the Nyika (see Man-eaters of Tsavo- Paterson)).
1234567 Lt Arthur Gibbon Wakefield (killed rescuing wounded, Thal 3rd Afghan War 28 May1919)
m (13Dec1908 Lahore Cathedral) Gladys Sprot Gibson
12345678 Helen Priscilla Wakefield m Joseph Lawrence Clague
123456789 Priscilla Ann Clague
123456789 William (Bill) Wakefield Lawrence Clague.m Leslie Ruth Gaines (US descndnt Laura Secord Canadian hero of war of 1812)
1234567890 Christopher Wakefield Clague dcd, Bernadette Helen Clague.dcd Laura Priscilla Anne Clague.
12345678 Major Edward Gibbon Wakefield (student WBS killed WWII 28/06/1943 age 43 5th Bn 9th Jat Regt buried Chittagong)
12345678 Captain John Howard Wakefield (student WBS killed WWII 18/04/1943 5th Bn 1st Punjab Rgt listed Rangoon Memorial )
1234567 Norah Wakefield (died 17 of appendicitis)
1234567 Violet Mary (1879-1947) m Owen Chilton Goodenough Hayter (1876-1961) (Indian Police mostly in Ahmednagar) W1.5b
12345678 Capt John (Jack) Owen Goodenough Hayter RM (killed 31Mar1941 on HMS Bonaventure off Crete WWII)
m 1931 Emma Eugenie Masson (1906-1959) living Littleham Exmouth 1941
123456789 Susan Hayter(1933- ) m Brian Mayall (1932- ) (Peterhouse Catanb, Cancer Specialist Livermore California)
Susan’s wartime childhood in Budleigh Salterton is described in her book ‘All the Pennies in the World’ published 2017
1234567890 William John Mayall m Terri Munk children Sabra (m Gabe Reyes children Gemma & Enzo) & Tess
1234567890 ChristineMayall m Tom Eric Stanton child Dylan
1234567890 Kathryn Mayall m Jorst Henkens(dcd) children Emma, Johan & Pieter
1234567890 Alice Mayall m&d Daryl Carlson children Sarah, Hannah & Owen
123456789 Howard Hayter m Elizabeth Turton (lives Crowden Mill North Lew N Devon)
1234567890 John Richard Goodenough Hayter + Debbie Williams children James & Owen
1234567890 Clare Frances Hayter m Gp Capt Clive Bairstow children Charlotte Katie & Hannah
1234567890 Adrian William Goodenough Hayter m Liz Malarky children Joseph & Annie
123456789 Richard Hayter(lives Budleigh Salterton 2016) m Jill
1234567890 David Hayter
1234567890 Alistair Goodenough Hayter (living Greenway Budleigh Salterton 2016) m Claire children Skyla, Dexter, Lennie, Herb
123456789 Sarah Hayter (1940-1984) m Jorgen Ehler ch Thomas Kitty
12345678 Marjery Hayter (1905 Mussourie- ) m George Murray Bryson
123456789 Rosemary Bryson (m1965 John Frederick MacMullen see descendants GEL Carter for offspring etc)
12345678 Henry James Goodenough Hayter (1907-1983) (actor/film star IMDb listing)
m1 1934 d 1947 Marjorie Wolkenberg actress Marjorie Lane (0 ch) m2 Mary Elizabeth Rose Shaw ( 8ch)
123456789 Michael David Hayter (adopted) m Katrina Varney
1234567890 Jay Hayter Debbie Hayter Lloyd Hayter
123456789 Elizabeth Rose Hayter m Angel Ema Diaz
1234567890 Kely Ema m Yuma Ema m Angel Ema
123456789 Timothy Owen Goodenough Hayter m Gloria England
1234567890 Russell James Goodenough Hayter Paul Louis Goodenough Hayter Sheldon Hayter (adopted)
123456789 Caroline Margaret Hayter m 1. Barry Eaton 2. Robert Freestone
1234567890 Charity Rose Wakefield Eaton (1981- ) (Actress Charity Wakefield IMDb listing) Olivia Freestone
123456789 Jonathan James Goodenough Hayter m Pam Goacher
1234567890 Samantha Hayter (adopted) Harry Owen Goodenough Hayter Jack Edward Goodenough Hayter
123456789 Jeremy Francis Goodenough Hayter
123456789 Judith Ann Hayter m Martin Johnson (actor)
1234567890 Thomas Llywelyn Johnson (student at Wimbledon School of Art)
123456789 Robin William Goodenough Hayter (actor film maker etc IMDb listing)
12345678 Janet Mary Wakefield Hayter (4.3.1910 Ahmedahad India) m1John Duncan Logie w2 Michael Holmes
123456789 Prudence Mary Miles Logie (7.9.1934) m1 Hosny El Shatoury
1234567890 Nancy El Shatoury m Mark Raynbird Joseph El Shatoury Adam El Shatoury
123456789 Jean Hayter Logie (10.5.36-1964) m Toel Trier
123456789 Mary Elizabeth Logie (Maria Isabel Suffolk from 1980) (18.5.1941-16?.6.2005) m1964 Peter James Wildblood
1234567890 Sean Andrew Gavin Wildblood (12.12.1964) Angus Jeremy Ross Wildblood (13.5.1966)
123456789 Theodora Holmes (2.4.1956)
12345678 Francis Goodenough Hayter (1915-2002) (WWII Sqn Ldr when Best man to his cousin JELCarter) m Zoe lives Falmouth 2016
1234567 John (Jack) Gurney Wakefield ( -1958 Gaya India) (Agent Maharajah of Tikari) m1914 Queenie Horrocks-Murphy
12345678 Colonel John Felix Wakefield (1916Bihar-2010 ) (Student WBS)(Resident Director of the Jungle Lodges, Kabini 2002)
Biography in After The Raj by Hugh Purcell p Sutton2008 ISBN978 0 7509 4786 2 m1 1946 Betsy Rawlinson
m(also)(muslim ceremony) 1972Dehra Dun Ram Kali Devi Rani and widow of Maharajah Kumar Singh of Tikari
123456789 Sarah (Sally) Bernadette Anne (Madras 1946) m (1969) Richard Lee Napp
1234567890 Anna Scott (Cyprus 1971) m Andrew Nicholas Davis (1999)
12345678901 Alistair Scott (London 2003) Aidan Michael (Edinburgh 2005)
1234567890 James Richard (Germany 1975) m Lisa Louise Netherton (2007)
12345678901 Sophie Rose (Bath 2009)
1234567890 Mark Edward (Germany 1978) m Lindsey Harrison (2004)
12345678901 Claudia Lindsey (London 2006) Oliver Mark (London 2008)
123456789 Jacqueline Angela Katherine (Ranchi 1948) m (1970) Anthony John Lord
1234567890 Clare Louise (Havant 1971)
12345678 Zoe Adelaide (Gaya 1919-1971)
12345678 Arthur Gurney (Gaya 1920-2006)
12345678 Sheila Joan (Gaya 1926) m Calvin Conklin
123456789 Jo-anne, Calvin (Wake), Zoe, Mary, Kelly, Shawn
1234567 Ivy Octavia Mary Wakefield(1885-1967)
1234567 m1914 George Edward Lovelace Carter ICS(1886-1974)
See Carter Family Tree for ancestry and descendants of George Edward Lovelace Carter
1234567 Una Wakefield m Ken Peddie (Indian Railways) Came to Budleigh in late 30’s on City of Benares (later sunk 17/9/40 with evacuee children on way to Canada)
12345678 Ian Peddie (emigrated Canada) m Joan
123456789 David Peddie Jocelyn Peddie
The family of George Allsop and Mary Ann Campbell ? W1.6
12345 George Allsop (catholic from Dublin) m7/10/1826Cawnpore Mary Anne Cambell (from Cork) Groom Gnr Art
123456 John William Allsop (22/1/1829Mhow WBengal -1833) Father Sgt, Pioneers
123456 Elizabeth Allsop (12/12/1831Mhow WBengal) Father Sgt., 5th Pioneers
123456 Louisa Caroline Allsop (3/5/1834Mhow WBengal-1836Agra ) Father QMS., 36th N.I
123456 Rebecca Allsop (19/3/1837Agra WBengal ) christened 30/4/1837 Agra Father Sgt-Maj., 36th N.I
123456 Mary Allsop (19/3/1837Agra WBengal ) christened 30/4/1837 Agra
123456 Rachel Allsop (24/8/1840 Jumalpore- ) never married (Hayter Wed Aunt)
123456 James George Whittlesea Allsop (11/5/1842- ) Punjab Police christened 27/6/1843 DumDum WBengal m Mary
Joined police as asst dist supt Nov 1860 Dist Supt July 1880 rtd. May 1901
1234567 Mary Elisa Allsop (18/5/1880 m Dick Brookes (a sugar planter in Cuba up to the revolution.)
1234567 Hon Sir James Joseph Whittlesea Allsop ICS (1887- m1913 Jessica Annie Delmerick
High Court judge Oudh 1933-35 Allahabad 1935-47 obit ‘Times’ 31/8/1963 NYHon1945
1234567 Ethel Allsop
1234567 Edward Allsop m Roseanna (Rose Anna) possibly the Rose Allsop who witnessed Adelaide Ruth Allsop’s wedding?
12345678 Annie (29/6/1871Agra WBengal ) christened 16/7/1871Agra
12345678 John Michael Allsop (12/10/1873Agra WBengal ) christened 14/10/1873Agra
12345678 William John Allsop (12/10/1873Agra WBengal ) christened30/10/1873Agra
123456 Aloysius Allsop m Georganna (Georgina) Italian? Aloysius parentage not given on LDS site (Hayter Wed)
1234567 Sydney Hasel Cecilia Allsop (13/9/1892- ) christened Rawalpindi WBengal (Hayter Wed)
1234567 Walda Mona Cecilia Allsop (7/1/1896 ) christened Rawapindi WBengal (Hayter Wed)
1234567 x Allsop
123456 Adelaide Ruth Allsop (abt 1853-1927) m1872 George Edward Wakefield
123456 Octavia Mary Allsop (26/11/1860Meerut- ) chris 25/12/1860Meerut never married Great Aunt Octo, lived past 1944